Penile Cancer ¿ A Practical Guide edito da Springer International Publishing
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Penile Cancer ¿ A Practical Guide





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Descrizione Penile Cancer ¿ A Practical Guide

This latest book within the Management of Urology series provides a concise and up to date overview of all aspects of penile cancer care. It is an ideal resource for urological trainees and established clinicians seeking an easy-to-digest summary of the topics covered, particularly for those working towards their final specialist examinations. Each chapter covers topics from the aetiology and molecular biology of the disease, diagnostic work up of patients and the differing surgical or non-surgical management techniques available. Learning objectives and key reading sections are included within every chapter that reinforce key points and facilitate the reader in developing a deeper understanding of the topic. Additional questions via app: Download the Springer Nature Flashcards app for free and use exclusive additional material to test your knowledge.

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