Penetrating Polarization and Winning the Ohio Governorship in 2006 di Vernon Lucas Albright edito da iUniverse
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Penetrating Polarization and Winning the Ohio Governorship in 2006

A Guide For Concerned Citizens







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Descrizione Penetrating Polarization and Winning the Ohio Governorship in 2006

The format the Albright's have chosen is to use Ohio politics and the future roles that grassroots Democrats need to play in order to "Take Back Ohio and Return it to the People of that State." They have chosen to act as Guides and Mentors, hitching their wagon to the Strickland for Governor Campaign, working in the field as grass-roots citizen participants, and Oh, what a ride the reader will experience as the dazzle quotient goes into high gear. Their caring, creative and pragmatic ideas develop and implement innovative grassroots political involvement based on the concept of good old-fashion "torchlight" American democracy borrowed from the Nineteenth Century and integrated with Twenty-First Century Technology using the internet, cell phones, and creative websites as their tools. The rebirth of bi-partisan town meetings via PBS local station formats and grassroots involvement are truly refreshing to experience. This is done without the heavy-handed approach and hype of media consultants, spin-masters, and closed minded entrenched political party operatives from both of the major political parties tripping all over themselves in order provide the general public with no brainier entertainment based commercial thirty-second sound bites to a weary and skeptical Ohio and American electorate!

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