Pedagogy Of The Heart di Martin Kokol edito da Hamilton Books
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Pedagogy Of The Heart

The Psychological And Political Memoirs Of A Master Teacher





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In this honest and daring work, Kokol tracks his career beginning as a high school teacher in south Florida, up to a graduate student in Massachusetts, out to a university professor in Utah and finally in New York City, and then to a high school teacher once again in eastern Idaho. What he learns along the way is both surprising and revealing in new ways to an audience that might be in the process of becoming a secondary school teacher. The author has not only spent time documenting his growth as he winds up in very different places in this country, but also puts together an unusually insightful and long overdue blueprint on where we can go as educators in this rising age of Generation Z. What comes out is meant to drum up conversations both in schools of education at the university level as well as out in the trenches of public and private secondary schools. The author reveals not only his professional ideas, but also his personal journey, not at all easy in the zip codes in which he finds himself at different points in his career. His work is wonderfully honest, even refreshing and his readers will most certainly delight at the personal connection he succeeds at making.

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