Pedagogical and Andragogical Teaching and Learning with Information Communication Technologies di Victor C. X. Wang, Lesley Farmer, Judith Parker edito da Information Science Reference
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Pedagogical and Andragogical Teaching and Learning with Information Communication Technologies





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Descrizione Pedagogical and Andragogical Teaching and Learning with Information Communication Technologies

Pedagogy and andragogy are often treated as separate fields, despite their similarities and shared goal of stimulating learning in individuals to the fullest degree possible. Pedagogical and Andragogical Teaching and Learning with Information Communication Technologies displays that teachers can further their art by considering both pedagogy and andragogy in light of the each other, specifically in the modern classroom. Information Communication Technologies are ubiquitous in today's learning institutions and this book provides an important platform for the furthering of the modern instructional paradigm. To truly advance into future possibilities opened by technology, teachers are required to allow for learning without the constraints of traditional attitudes toward time, space, age and experience. This book shows how to blend and learn from the revolution taking place in educational institutions across the world.

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