Peace Work: Mindful Lessons of Self-Regulation for a Child's Early Years di Wynne Kinder, Midge Kinder edito da SPRING HOUSE PR
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Peace Work: Mindful Lessons of Self-Regulation for a Child's Early Years

Mindful Lessons Of Self-Regulation For A Child's Early Years





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Descrizione Peace Work: Mindful Lessons of Self-Regulation for a Child's Early Years

Peace Work: Mindful Lessons of Self Regulation for a Child's Early Years is the six-lesson curriculum from Wellness Works in Schools, an innovative school-based program that teaches mindfulness skills to students to help them handle life's challenges. The first book for teachers from Wellness Works, Peace Work is designed to help children from preschool through third grade learn mindful awareness skills to increase self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-care through a personal and community sense of PEACE. These objectives are achieved through active-learning sessions where children experience personal attention practices, healthy breathing, and mindful movement as well as discussion, reflection and resting.

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