The Peace Intention Handbook: The Stillflow Way to Peace di Freya Lawton edito da Torus Publishing
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The Peace Intention Handbook: The Stillflow Way to Peace

The StillFlow Way to Peace





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Descrizione The Peace Intention Handbook: The Stillflow Way to Peace

5.0 out of 5 stars - If You Want to Be Happy, Read this Book 5.0 out of 5 stars - An idea who's time has come! 5.0 out of 5 stars - 'Peace in our time' - This time it's possible... 5.0 out of 5 stars - A Fantastic Book Showing Us All That Peace IS Possible 5.0 out of 5 stars - A handbook for everyone...even sceptics! The StillFlow Way to Peace...harmonious relationships, happier lives, less stress and perhaps even day...a world built on peace. "The challenges we face cannot be solved at the level of thinking that created them"Albert Einstein The idea of living in a peaceful world may seem like an impossible dream, the problems faced by humanity too complex or too inevitable to solve. As individuals we can feel insignificant in the face of such giant issues. StillFlow offers a way to transform that thinking, to take ourselves from insignificant spectators of conflict to vital creators of a peaceful world. The StillFlow way to Peace suggests how we might transform the world around us by evolving in our own thinking and see that peace mirrored in the world around us. It offers the chance for us to begin to see ourselves and each other in a new light. One of openness, compassion and acceptance. To remove the imaginary barriers we have created between ourselves and other people that have lead inevitably, to conflict, both personal and collective. By living the StillFlow way, we can choose to live in a world where a stranger is welcomed as a friend and the word enemy is obsolete.Now that we know our thoughts affect our reality it's up to us to transform our lives and our world!

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