Paulinus of York edito da Betascript Publishing

Paulinus of York





Acquistabile con o la

Descrizione Paulinus of York

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Paulinus (died 10 October 644) was a Roman missionary and the first Bishop of York. A member of the Gregorian mission sent in 601 by Pope Gregory I to convert the Anglo-Saxons from paganism to Christianity, Paulinus arrived in England by 604 with the second missionary group. Little is known of Paulinus' activities in the following two decades.After some years spent in Kent, perhaps in 625, Paulinus was consecrated a bishop. He accompanied thelburg of Kent, sister of King Eadbald of Kent, on her journey to Northumbria to marry King Edwin of Northumbria, and eventually succeeded in converting Edwin to Christianity.

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