Pathways to Restore the Feminine di Kirsty E. Green edito da Balboa Press
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Pathways to Restore the Feminine

A Guide to Ritual and Healing Practices


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Pathways to Restore the Feminine

In the high-tech and fast-paced world, we need to make time to remember our true nature and align with the peace and serenity that come from within. Meditation and ritual can serve to bring about those more peaceful states of harmony and well-being. In Pathways to Restore the Feminine, author Kirsty E. Green shows how to establish practices that enhance the feminine aspect of our being. The practices focus on transforming each person within their own unique, authentic potential, allowing us to awaken and see life through the eyes of the heart. Green draws these practices from more than twenty years of experience working in alternative therapies areas, counseling, clairvoyant work, energy healing, grief and transition ceremonies, and meditation days in the forests in and around Melbourne, Victoria. Pathways to Restore the Feminine presents thoughtful and caring words of guidance and inspiration for women, showing that ritual and meditation are easy once you make a habit of creating time throughout your day.

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