Passage to Portos di Richard Mandel edito da Page Publishing Inc
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Passage to Portos





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Descrizione Passage to Portos

"Riding in an old AMC Gremlin is a terrible way to start an adventure."That statement marks the beginning of an incredible adventure for three young college students who are spelunking when an underground earthquake causes them to fall into and through an interdimensional portal and leave Earth behind. They wind up in the pocket universe known as Portos-a place that is connected by at least one portal to all the known possibilities of space and time-and it is here that their true tale begins. From chameleon men slavers to a dazzling kingdom of humans straight out of the Arabian Knights, from rebellious religious zealots to a kindly little Grey, from tales of other humans from other times to the intrigues and politics of the present, theirs is the adventure of a lifetime, and it is only just beginning.Welcome, readers and would-be fellow travelers. Welcome to Portos.

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