Parvathy's Well & Other Stories di Manco Poornima Manco edito da Mango Tree Publications
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Parvathy's Well & Other Stories





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Descrizione Parvathy's Well & Other Stories

Love and hate. Secrets and lies. Innocence and betrayal. Are we all just the sum of our conflicts? A nine-year old girl stumbles upon a terrible secret, a young maidservant is trapped in drudgery, children bear witness to adult transgressions, outcasts of society scramble to find a place for themselves. These are six captivating short stories that take you on an Indian Odyssey. From the North to the South, from the rich to the poor, from children to adults, these tales traverse innocence and experience and the innate tragicomedy of life itself. The breathtaking and varied tableau of the Indian subcontinent is just as much a character in the stories, as the protagonists themselves. Prepare to be immersed in and become one with each of the characters, as they offer you a glimpse into a life and a landscape far removed from your own. Prepare to journey into a foreign terrain where heat and dust, passions and secrets, beget unforgettable narratives with themes universal and timeless.

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€ 5.58
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