E Party di Steven H Nemerovski edito da Wasteland Press

E Party

Vol I "starting In The Middle"





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Descrizione E Party

Why doesn't the United States have an effective, competitive third political party? What would it take to get one off the ground? To what lengths would the Democrats and Republicans go to prevent this from happening? Most importantly, could a new third political party really make a difference? E Party provides answers to these and other relevant questions regularly contemplated and discussed across America by a disgruntled and disconnected electorate. It tells the story of Alex "Atlas" Stein; who risks his wealth and reputation to create a third political party in the face of insurmountable odds. Volume I "Starting in the Middle" follows the efforts of Atlas and his loyal, capable team from the conception of the E Party through two election cycles and the intervening legislative session. Volume I also serves as a primer for those who lack knowledge of the "behind the scenes" maneuvering that makes American politics the ultimate contact sport.

Fuori catalogo - Non ordinabile
€ 18.50

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