Partnership In Action di Parinac - Tanzania/Unhcr Tanzania edito da Mkuki Na Nyota Publishers
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Partnership In Action

Profiles Of Member Organisations Of Partnership In Action - Tanzania





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Descrizione Partnership In Action

Tanzania is currently hosting about one million refugees. 'Partnership in Action' (PARinAc) is a forum of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees and national NGOs in Tanzania, designed to promote collaborative action, and review and implement refugee assistance programmmes. The partnership now boasts nine NGOs and a total budget of 4.5 million US dollars. In their various capacities these NGOs have played operational and advocacy roles, and as a forum, PARinAc has played a vital role in emergency refugee operations; in rehabilitation and regeneration for refugees returning to countries of origin; and has bridged a gap between relief and development work. This booklet introduces these NGOs, describes the role they are playing in the UNHCR assistances programmes, highlighting their experiences and potential for future work, and provides full contact information for all sectors and agencies interested in, or wishing to contribute to Tanzanian refugee programmes.

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