Parents/Guardians Experience with Early Childhood Care in Zambia di Jairous Joseph Miti edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Parents/Guardians Experience with Early Childhood Care in Zambia





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Descrizione Parents/Guardians Experience with Early Childhood Care in Zambia

Early childhood care remains a concern for various institutions of our society today. In some countries including Zambia, there is growing emphasis on early childhood care with particular interest on education. In this book, the experience of parents in their care role has been explored and provides empirical evidence relevant for social policy and social work practice. The book highlights that parents/guardians in the study area have low capability, which large affects their care functions. As a result children's well being and development trajectory is affected. The book is divided in six interlinked chapters. Though the book is largely based on the Zambia context, it has substantial implications and lessons in other context as itself uses social evidence from some research conducted in other countries in order to present the phenomena of focus in both local and international contexts. As such, it will prove a valuable source of information and guidance in the area of early childhood care.

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