Parents And Educators Are Causing The Making Of A Second World Nation di Joyce Gardner Wagner edito da Eloquent Books

Parents And Educators Are Causing The Making Of A Second World Nation





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Descrizione Parents And Educators Are Causing The Making Of A Second World Nation

In this informative and important book, Joyce Gardner Wagner examines the history of American education and identifies various reasons for current inadequacies in our grade schools, high schools, and colleges and universities. A multitude of problems have arisen in American homes and schools over the past century that has affected children's behavior and academic achievements. Parents and Educators are Causing THE MAKING OF A SECOND WORLD NATION offers sensible solutions for addressing the many faceted challenges that have led to failures, and have militated against personal and scholastic success. Joyce Gardner Wagner lives in Northville, Michigan, outside of Detroit, where she raised her six children. She has been an educator for over fifty years. Ms. Wagner's writing is inspired by her desire to call attention to, and raise expectations, when it comes to current behavior and scholastic achievement of children and parents. Readers may contact the author at Publisher's Web site:

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