A Parent's Catechism di Dana Paul Robinson edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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A Parent's Catechism

Passing On The Catholic Faith





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Descrizione A Parent's Catechism

"God is. There is no statement more profound or simpler than this. Nothing exists apart from God. God is Being - the eternal, unchanging, infinitely powerful, infinitely knowing, and infinitely loving Being. God is life. He is creator and sustainer of all life and has created us in his own image to know, serve, and love him and to share eternal life with him. History is the story of our response to God's unceasing invitation to be known, served, and loved." And so begins one of our generation's most necessary and rationally deduced theological texts on Catholicism. A Parent's Catechism: Passing on the Catholic Faith is an accessible, highly readable, and objective explanation of the Catholic faith. With a measured hand and strong sense of hope, Dana Paul Robinson thoughtfully and eloquently examines all that is relevant and necessary as he explores the basics of the Catholic faith, a faith when effectively followed, leads to knowledge of God, commitment to God, and surrender to God.

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