Parallel Algorithm Derivation and Program Transformation edito da Springer US
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Parallel Algorithm Derivation and Program Transformation


Springer US





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Descrizione Parallel Algorithm Derivation and Program Transformation

Transformational programming and parallel computation are two emerging fields that may ultimately depend on each other for success. Perhaps because ad hoc programming on sequential machines is so straightforward, sequential programming methodology has had little impact outside the academic community, and transformational methodology has had little impact at all. However, because ad hoc programming for parallel machines is so hard, and because progress in software construction has lagged behind architectural advances for such machines, there is a much greater need to develop parallel programming and transformational methodologies.Parallel Algorithm Derivation and Program Transformation stimulates the investigation of formal ways to overcome problems of parallel computation, with respect to both software development and algorithm design. It represents perspectives from two different communities: transformational programming and parallel algorithm design, to discuss programming, transformational, and compiler methodologies for parallel architectures, and algorithmic paradigms, techniques, and tools for parallel machine models.Parallel Algorithm Derivation and Program Transformation is an excellent reference for graduate students and researchers in parallel programming and transformational methodology. Each chapter contains a few initial sections in the style of a first-year, graduate textbook with many illustrative examples. The book may also be used as the text for a graduate seminar course or as a reference book for courses in software engineering, parallel programming or formal methods in program development.

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