The Papers of John Marshall, Vol. IX di Charles F. Hobson edito da The University of North Carolina Press
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The Papers of John Marshall, Vol. IX

Volume IX: Correspondence, Papers, and Selected Judicial Opinions, January 1820-December 1823





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Descrizione The Papers of John Marshall, Vol. IX

This volume marks the continuation of the first annotated edition of the papers of John Marshall, the great statesman and jurist. The Supreme Court's most celebrated case during these years was Cohens v. Virginia (1821). What began as a prosecution for the sale of lottery tickets eventually brought forth a major statement on the scope and extent of federal judicial power from Chief Justice Marshall. Like McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), the Cohens decision provoked the wrath of the guardians of states' rights in Virginia. As his correspondence shows, Marshall was deeply concerned that the reaction to Cohens and other nationalizing decisions would translate into proposals to curb the Supreme Court's powers. Besides chronicling Marshall's judicial activities, this volume yields illuminating glimpses into his private interests and family life. When not sitting in court, Marshall was busy revising his Life of Washington and preparing an edition of General Washington's letters.

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