Paczki Day di Bob Dombrowski edito da Page Publishing Inc
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Paczki Day





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Descrizione Paczki Day

This book is a mix of stories about growing up in Detroit, going to Catholic school, and the Polish people in the fifties and sixties. The author tried his best to present everything in this book accurately despite not having a research staff like the famous writers have. He only had himself, his computer, his memory, a big pile of books, and note cards that he painstakingly used to put this story together. As a fireman, one of the things the author learned was that it takes three things to make a fire: air, fuel, and heat. Remove one, and you can't have a fire. He believes that it takes three things to make everything. Similar to making fire, there are three things that it took to make this book: the city of Detroit, the Catholic Church, and Polish ancestry. If you have one or two or maybe all three of these things, you may like this story. So if your mom wore a babushka, if nostrovia is your toast, if you had a last name that kids made fun of, or if you grew up reading your catechism while looking at church steeples and smokestacks, maybe this book is for you. Bob Dombrowski also wrote, 38 Years: A Detroit Firefighter's Story.

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