Pack a Peanut Butter Sandwich di Linda Drew edito da iUniverse
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Pack a Peanut Butter Sandwich

Chronicles Of Linda Drew







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Descrizione Pack a Peanut Butter Sandwich

Pack a Peanut Butter Sandwich is a soul journey. These are stories about the kinds of events that change one's life. They tell what it's like to make life decisions informed by spirit-trusting that each event has something to teach, a gift that contributes to our personal growth. Above all, this is a book about sharing and the strength to stand alone. The author shares her personal journey through entertaining world adventures. The experiences she reveals here offer universal themes, of what it means to be open to the creative self. From Klamath Falls, Oregon to Europe, Asia and the American Southwest, then back again full circle, this is the story of one woman's inner healing and a calling that tells us what it means to come home to courage and joy. "What courage Linda uses! I am inspired. Her book is a great read giving me a new chuckling reverence for life's turns." -Veronica Entwistle, Radio Personality KNRY and "Linda has experienced more in this incarnation than most people in ten.and she is not done yet. These stories are hugely entertaining and subtly enlightening." -Laurelee Rourk, co-author of It's Not About Food

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