Overcoming Panic Disorder di Donna McLean edito da Balboa Press
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Overcoming Panic Disorder

My Story-My Journey Into and Beyond Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Agoraphobia


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Overcoming Panic Disorder

Author Donna McLean is just a normal lady who appeared to live a ?normal? life?and yet she carried a secret that filled her with despair. The stresses of her life, compounded by a series of emotionally disturbing events, tragedies, and traumas, translated into crippling anxiety, panic attacks, and agoraphobia. After twenty-four years of enduring the physical symptoms of anxiety and panic disorder, such as rapid heartbeat, blurred vision, jelly legs, the urgent need to find a toilet, and feelings of terror, she found refuge in the life of an agoraphobic. Now she shares her personal account of a life lived in fear. More importantly, however, she describes a life ultimately reclaimed and healed. She recalls her long search for effective treatment, support, and a cure. This memoir began as a therapeutic journal and evolved into an inspirational real-life story designed to educate, empower, and inspire. From a very dark and lonely place, Donna created a ray of light at the end of a very dark tunnel ? and so can you.

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