Out of the Storm di Gary Vinturella edito da OakTara Publishers

Out of the Storm





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Descrizione Out of the Storm

He's spent his life looking for "The Right Woman."He should have quit while he was ahead.Tony Amante can't remember exactly when his life started to fall apart. Was it in 1963, at his thirteenth birthday party, when he was dumped by the girl he'd always loved? Now, nearing his fortieth birthday, his life is in shambles. Kathy, his ex, is remarrying and taking their daughter to live overseas for a year, and Tony's stuck working in the family business he detests. He's convinced everything in his life would fall neatly in place if he could just find the one missing piece from his emotional jigsaw puzzle. "Be careful what you wish for. Sometimes wishes come true," Tony once told Kathy before he walked out of her life. Now his own dreams are coming true...with shocking revelations he never could have imagined.A powerful novel about betrayal, midlife transformation, and forgiveness.

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€ 22.20

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