Out of the Sixties di Jashanananda edito da Lulu.com
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Out of the Sixties

My Journey in Search of My Self and the True Nature of Existence







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Descrizione Out of the Sixties

Born to the middle class, in Middle America, in the middle of the twentieth century, to middle-of-the-road republicans, Jashanananda was a fearful child. He was reluctant to make an appearance in this world and then slow to blossom. It was not until he found himself studying psychology in the "free love" sixties that he began exploring new ideas and asking questions like "What is this world?" and "Who am I?" With the help of psychedelic drugs, Jashanananda turned away from academia and began an inner quest to find what's real. This journey led him to Eastern religions and down the path of yoga, which carried him through a twenty-year marriage, a job in corporate America, and raising three children in the mountains of Colorado. Then, one day, in the midst of his middleclass suburban life, he had an awakening and everything changed. He was back on his journey in search of his true self, the source of love, and the true nature of existence. This is his story.

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