Our Future Selves di Graham Dix edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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Our Future Selves





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Descrizione Our Future Selves

Imagine waking up inside someone else's body, and in a different century. What would you do? How would the new world around you react to you? This is what happens all the time to Zak Emblin, an editor from 21st century Birmingham, UK, and Sarah Templeman, a prison service doctor from twenty second century New Palm Springs, USA, who are 'reincarnaters', connected across time by a shared soul. Imagine you are a bright, young scientist, Carmen Fry, who stumbles across the truth behind reincarnation. All you need is a subject to prove your theory to the world, but you can't find one. Until one day, when you are chatting online, you find Zak, and are immediately attracted to him. This is the story of three people, caught in a love triangle, sharing a secret that no-one else will believe, that when we die we form a connection with a future self, who shares our reincarnated soul. A connection so strong that sometimes we can become that future person and they can become us. We can swap bodies across time.

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