Our Father di Ron Lombardo edito da AuthorHouse
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Our Father







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Descrizione Our Father

Biblical scripture often speaks of Angelic visits. We are told by the Ancient ones that the purpose of their visits was to enlighten humanity with a divine message, direct their path, or save a soul in peril. Sadly, modern history offers no such occurrences... In the early nineties, the human race feels abandoned by their God as the World is immersed in a cauldron of evil. Divine inspiration and justice is lost as humanity searches for the light. Awash in a sea of turmoil, Harry Brennen, an average man from New York, is touched by an Angelic encounter. Reminiscent of ancient scripture, the experience propels him into a whirlpool of high adventure. The Angelic visitor's gift and tutoring enable Harry to transform himself into an Angelic warrior and messenger of our Father's love. Discovering his surrealistic path, his human emotions flare with the realization of his purpose, transforming him from reluctant Sheppard to Guardian Angel of humanity. Join Harry Brennen on his crusade as he discovers the simplicity of truth and purpose of his calling. Be one with his pain as unlikely enemies emerge. Experience his awakening with the divine providence of his allies. Join him, discover truth, and set your soul free.

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