Our Daddy's Cancer: How We Helped Him Fight di Dana-Susan Crews edito da Tate Publishing & Enterprises

Our Daddy's Cancer: How We Helped Him Fight





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Descrizione Our Daddy's Cancer: How We Helped Him Fight

A diagnosis with cancer does not only affect the patient, it affects the entire family. When Bill Crews was diagnosed with stage four cancer in October 2003, his two young children were frightened, yet filled with courage beyond their years. Faced with the devastation of cancer and chemo treatments, they learned to fight their fears and help their daddy win his battle against lymphoma. During the many agonizing months of treatments, their mom wrote down their precious words. This story is a very honest look into the difficulties of cancer through the eyes of children. Thousands of men, women, and children suffer at the cruel hands of cancer. It is the hope of the Crews family that the story of their young children, Morgan and Dylan, will encourage people to courageously fight against their own troubles and succeed.

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