Orofacial Pain: From Basic Science to Clinical Management: The Transfer of Knowledge in Pain Research to Education edito da Quintessence Publishing (IL)

Orofacial Pain: From Basic Science to Clinical Management: The Transfer of Knowledge in Pain Research to Education





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Descrizione Orofacial Pain: From Basic Science to Clinical Management: The Transfer of Knowledge in Pain Research to Education

For dental students and clinicians, Sessle (craniofacial pain and sensorimotor function, U. of Toronto, Canada) et al. bring together 28 chapters that discuss the diagnosis and management of orofacial pain, as well as the neurobiologic, molecular, and genetic processes involved. This edition has been updated to reflect recent research and contains new topics related to pain genetics, pain and motor control and dysfunction, and the management of headaches and pain-related movement disorders, including four new chapters. New cases have been added as well. Most of the chapters in the book were first presented as papers at a symposium held in Vancouver in March 1999. They are by an international group of dental and other specialists.

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