Originals!: Black Women Breaking Barriers di Jessie Carney Smith Smith edito da VISIBLE INK PR
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Originals!: Black Women Breaking Barriers

Black Women Breaking Barriers





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Descrizione Originals!: Black Women Breaking Barriers

More than 1,400 history-making black women’s achievements, ground-breaking successes, and all manner of pioneering accomplishments are profiled Explores ground-breaking achievements in politics, religion, science, the arts, sports, education, civil rights, the military and more. Thoroughly researched and documented history From a scholar and researcher distilling and presenting the latest and most important information on the history of African American women in America History made accessible with fascinating stories of accomplishment, richly illustrated text, colorful personality studies, and fun facts. Written for and aimed at general audiences Authoritative reference on African American history and powerful, lesser-known stories Logical organization makes finding information quick and easy Clear and concise answers 210 illustrations and photos bring the text to life Thoroughly indexed Authoritative resource Written to appeal to anyone interested in African American achievements, history, and pride Publicity and promotion aimed at the wide array of websites devoted to history and education Black history month promotion targeting more mainstream media and websites on a popular topic Promotion targeting magazines and newspapers publicity and promotion aimed at websites promotion targeting more mainstream book review media and websites promotion targeting national and local radio promotion targeting history and educational magazines and regional newspapers

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