Organization, Duties and Tasks of the Intelligence - Security Agency di Sinisa Djukic edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Organization, Duties and Tasks of the Intelligence - Security Agency





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Descrizione Organization, Duties and Tasks of the Intelligence - Security Agency

A successful and timely countering of organized crime and terrorism calls for the ¿presence¿ of intelligence and security agencies. There are two basic elements that govern the organizational structure of the Intelligence-Security Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina in its efforts to counter terrorism and organized crime and these are intelligence and security. The Agency¿s primary focus is to gather, analyze, process and distribute information on terrorism and organized crime in the country and abroad. It carries out its tasks in outmost secrecy, abstaining from using any form of repressive measures or taking part in formal legal proceedings in the country. Such approach includes a broader social or political context, in which a crime is merely a segment or an outcome of the entire security phenomenon. The Agency and other modern agencies alike tackle the problem of prevention and detection of crimes and their subsequent reconstruction and investigation. Accordingly, they need to be able to collect intelligence before a terrorist act or organized crime takes place. This kind of approach allows them to identify the actions that lead to criminal offenses and study them.

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