Organic Reactions, Volume 73 di Dennis G. Hall edito da Wiley-Blackwell
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Organic Reactions, Volume 73

Allylboration Of Carbonyl Compounds





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Allylic boron compounds have gained a prominent position as a truly practical class of synthetic reagents in the past twenty-five years. Their main application as a method for the stereoselective synthesis of homoallylic alcohols by allyl-transfer to carbonyl compounds is essentially unmatched. In this process, a new carbon-carbon bond is formed, and up to two new stereogenic centers are created in a predictably controlled manner. Highly effective and general enantioselective variants are available, with countless applications in the total syntheses of polyacetate and polypropionate natural products. Furthermore, the residual allylic unit can be manipulated through a number of different transformations such as oxidative cleavage, olefin metathesis, hydrometalations, and many others. The discovery of Lewis and Brønsted acid catalyzed manifolds recently, has opened new doors for further development of this important reaction. This book provides an up-to-date, comprehensive survey of the literature of this rich chemistry as it pertains to organic synthesis.

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