Ordinary to Extraordinary di Erik Seversen edito da Innovative Educational Services
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Ordinary to Extraordinary

Stories of Exotic Places and Remarkable People & How Belonging and Purpose Can Transform Your Life





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Descrizione Ordinary to Extraordinary

Your reading adventure starts with ORDINARY TO EXTRAORDINARY!!! Do you love stories of adventure, travel, chance meetings with amazing people, and intriguing episodes of danger, love, and unexpected results? Do you like seeing the underdog win and the average person achieve extraordinary success? In Ordinary to Extraordinary, you'll find this and much more. This book is composed of captivating but true first-person narratives, and it is also an exploration into the meaning of life. Each story is grouped into one of four "pillars of meaning" - belonging, purpose, transcendence, and storytelling - with reflection chapters allowing you to construct the pillars in your own life. In Ordinary to Extraordinary you will find: 22 riveting narratives about a well lived life of unique experiences and world travel Intriguing encounters with angry Nigerian military guards, remote Indian tribes in the Amazon, elegant Parisians in Europe, and more The story of an average kid finding his way and discovering meaning for himself Reflective questions to help you discover meaning in your life Simple challenges to help you take action creating the life you want to live Ordinary to Extraordinary is entertaining and it also shows readers that anything is possible; it reveals how easy it is for any of us to unlock all our potential and live a successful and fulfilled life. Ordinary to Extraordinary crosses multiple genres including autobiography, memoir, narrative, travel, adventure, self help, personal development. It is a book the returns to the art of storytelling while bringing readers along an adventure that crosses six continents, over eighty countries, and forty-nine of the fifty states in the United States. It is about meeting amazing people and discovering exotic places. In this book, Erik Seversen is faces with the full range of human emotions as he pursues his dreams. In Erik Seversen's travels around the world, he is confronted with danger having a machine gun stuck in his mouth in Nigeria, love as his becomes infatuated with a woman living in Paris, Throught all of the encounters, Ordinary to Extraordinary highlights how different people, places and circomstances all lead toward some type of life lesson that can be carried along as the pursuit of a meanigful life is followed.

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