Ordinary Evil di Gene Ferraro edito da iUniverse
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Ordinary Evil







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Descrizione Ordinary Evil

The word "ordinary" holds a double meaning. In one sense, it refers to something inconsequential or everyday. In the second sense, "ordinary" refers to the absolute church authority of a bishop, archbishop, or priest. In the Catholic Church, these figures are to be trusted with deepest, darkest secrets. To their congregations, they can never do wrong-or can they? When a series of international and seemingly unrelated events lead to the brutal murder of a Catholic altar boy, conflicting notions of the law, obedience, forgiveness and revenge test the faith of several Roman Catholic priests and two Catholic women. With the boy's death comes scandal and pain for more than just the family who lost a son. In the aftermath of the horrific crime and with the revelation of sexual abuse in the church, ordinary people must now confront ordinary authority, uncovering a web of deceit that stretches from the towns and cities of New England all the way to the Vatican. Even the law cannot reveal all things. In the end, despite the terrible acts committed in his name, only God will ever know the truth.

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