Optimization Of Electric Discharge Machining di Harsimran Singh Sodhi edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Optimization Of Electric Discharge Machining

Optimization Process





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The electric discharge machine is an electro-thermal machining process, in which electric energy is used to generate the spark between the workpiece and electrode. The material is removed due to thermal energy which is caused by the electric spark. Electric discharge machine is used for machining of high strength temperature resistant alloys and the material which are difficult to machine in other machining processes. In EDM, since there is no direct contact between the workpiece and the electrode, hence there are no mechanical forces existing between them. Any type of conductive material can be machined using EDM irrespective of the hardness or toughness of the material. In the present work, the optimization of four EDM process parameters like discharge current, pulse-on ¿time, voltage and duty cycle for high-speed steel(AISI-M2) is done by performing experiments using response surface method(RSM) in order to maximize the material removal rate and at the same time minimize the tool wear and minimize the surface roughness. After the optimization results are appraised through the ANOVA test.

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