Operation Shortstop: Confessions of a Nave Marine di Martin Folder edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Operation Shortstop: Confessions of a Nave Marine

Confessions Of A Nave Marine







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Descrizione Operation Shortstop: Confessions of a Nave Marine

Intense military action surrounds United States Marine Martin Folder as he and his platoon enter the jungles of South America to confront the drug dealings of a small cartel. As force recon Marines, their mission is to destroy-to assist in killing the terrorists and drug traffickers who have overtaken the Panamanian jungle. Although Folder's mind has been sharpened into a mindless killing machine, he still grapples with the seemingly endless internal battle of wanting to be at home with his beautiful wife Rene, and their small boy. Ordered to depart for the jungle with barely a moment's notice, Folder and his unit are under strict orders to not reveal to anyone the details of the secret mission they are about to undertake. As Martin and his fellow Marines prepare to drop into the jungle with orders to annihilate everything in their path, they are instructed to prepare for anything. Conspiracy and betrayal surround Folder and his fellow Marines, as they once again learn what it's like to be one of the few... the proud... the Marines...

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