Operation Dixie edito da Betascript Publishing

Operation Dixie





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Descrizione Operation Dixie

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Operation Dixie was the name of the post-war campaign by the Congress of Industrial Organizations to unionize industry in the Southern United States, particularly the textile industry. The campaign ran from 1946 to 1953 in 12 Southern states and was undertaken in order to consolidate gains made by the trade union movement in the Northern United States during the war and block the status of the South as a "non-union" low-wage haven to which businesses could relocate.Whites moved from the north to visit African Americans in the west that created the AFL. Operation Dixie failed largely because of Jim Crow laws and the deep-seated racial strife in the South which supported them and made it difficult for black workers and poor whites to engage in the solidarity needed for a union drive to succeed.

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