Operation Civvy Street di Peter Lewis edito da Blue Hat Publishing
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Operation Civvy Street

Tactics And Strategies For Your Successful Journey To Civilian Life





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Descrizione Operation Civvy Street

Operation Civvy Street is for anyone planning on leaving the Armed Forces. Full of hints, tips and advice to make the most of your transition from the military to the civilian world. Written by Peter Lewis, a soldier for 20 years, it contains techniques that will allow you to create a fantastic new life beyond the military. Written in clear, no nonsense style, this book outlines the necessary steps you need to take to fulfil your true potential. Using the principles described, Peter has created a highly successful training business from scratch; despite having little idea what he could do when he started planning! Each chapter contains mini-tactics that you can implement straight away in your daily routine in order to develop your confidence, gain clarity on what you want to do and design the new life that you are capable of. It doesn't matter if you have little or no idea about what you could do in civilian life - this book will help you get clear and moving towards a great future!

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