Operation Breakthrough di Nathaniel Nate Couser Awsim edito da AuthorHouse
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Operation Breakthrough

Striving Through Struggles for Success by Teaming







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Descrizione Operation Breakthrough

This book is designed to inspire and motivate the pursuit of entrepreneurship. It will illustrate how to position self and minimize risk. You will learn how to establish your career path and embark on your journey to entrepreneurial success. You will understand how to overcome your fears, break bad habits and be victorious over self-defeating beliefs. In addition, you will learn never to accept failure, and regardless of the obstacles faced, move up the success ladder. This book is developed and designed to provide valuable resources, processes and methodologies to help Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners to reach their levels of success in Public & Private Sector business. This methodology is an inspiration of entrepreneurial power within self. The Author having a multi-functional diversified background of experience, he was able to carve an entrepreneurial and small business niche of innovative sources of business solutions from one multi-functional collaborated system. In 2005, he launched his own firm by uniquely turning his struggles into success and implementing the methodology outlined in the book. In doing so, he hopes readers will gain valuable insight towards achieving their goals during these especially challenging times. Being that his entire military and civilian career placed him in unique positions that provide him great exposure to gain unlimited and unique valuable business experiences from the best corporations in the world. This is just one the initial reasons why this book should be read by all entrepreneurs and small business owners. The book describes the quest of life's challenges, accomplishments, rewards, downfalls, successes and consistency to prevail through any obstacle that came and to continue to come our way. You can overcome anything as long as you retain self-determination, perseverance, tenacity and faith!

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