Open Window: Reflections in Poetry di Randy C. Smith edito da Tate Publishing & Enterprises

Open Window: Reflections in Poetry





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Descrizione Open Window: Reflections in Poetry

A breeze of thought wafts its way through my mind as though a window I didnt know existed was suddenly opened The rain falls gently outside while the teapots shrill whistle announces that tea is ready. Grab a cup and pull up a chair, joining author Randy Smith on a wondrous poetic journey of lyrical verse and rhyme that will soothe the mind and warm the heart. Bask in the sunshine of Gods glory, his ever-present hand directing the paths of those who love him.. Breathe deep the smell of spring, rejoicing in the beauty of the earth. Take time to notice the beauty in everyday things, such as holding the hand of a child or enriching the mind of a student. Through the Open Window, the beauty of the world will come into your home and heart.

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