Oneida Obsession di Jamie Colette edito da AuthorHouse
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Oneida Obsession







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Descrizione Oneida Obsession

A Princess of Doubt. Being forced to be an Oneida princess of her father's Turtle Clan, was the worst thing that ever happened to Dancing Star. She was allowed to make no decisions of her own, and being forced to marry her most hated enemy made matters much worse. No one believed what kind of vile warrior this man was, and Dancing Star was beginning to lose all hope until. A Paralyzed Existence. Russell Powell had lost everything precious to him, including his ability to walk, by a group of malicious Indian renegades. There was no determination in his heart to continue his desolate life. He loathed all Indians with a burning passion. However, as he encounters the beautiful princess, his burden of emptiness and hatred is magically replaced with a romantic paradise. Being confined to a strange object he calls a "wheelchair", Dancing Star is deeply intrigued by this handsome white man. Russell gives her much contentment and peace, and she is his encouragement. But her duties of being a loyal Oneida princess and Russell's obsession for vengeance threatens to keep them apart forever.

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