One in the Lord di Tommy Vicknair, Spence Stephens edito da Yorkshire Publishing
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One in the Lord

You 2 Can Have a Great Marriage!





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Descrizione One in the Lord

Having once been a workaholic executive driven by professional success, Deacon Tommy Vicknair used the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as his model for turning around his troubled marriage. In One in the Lord, "Deacon Tommy" explores many deep insights into marriage success garnered from the experiences of his own forty-seven-year marriage and in working with many couples through the years in his marriage workshops and seminars. This incredible guide by Deacon Tommy and author Spence Stephens will help married and engaged couples achieve happy, love-filled, successful marriages and family lives. It is designed to help good marriages get even better and struggling marriages to improve by equipping them with practical, timetested, and scripturally-based instruction.

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