Once Upon a Star: Celebrity Kiss and Tell Stories di Peggy Trentini edito da Createspace
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Once Upon a Star: Celebrity Kiss and Tell Stories







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Descrizione Once Upon a Star: Celebrity Kiss and Tell Stories

"Once Upon a Star" is a true autobiography about a young Hollywood ing nue, who finds herself looking for love in all the wrong places of La La land. Peggy bears her heart and soul in her quest for love amongst Hollywood's most elite players. Her naivety will challenge your heart as she skips from one relationship to another, always believing that love would find her. This is a story that encompasses the sorrow and triumph of living in the celebrity fantasy world. "Once Upon a Star" is a story very seldom presented with such candor and truth. Journey along with Peggy's anecdotal celebrity relationships and flings with the likes of Sylvester Stallone, Billy Idol, Mick Jagger, Nicholas Cage, Sean Penn, Kevin Costner, Johnny Depp, Vince Neil, Sting and many others. Juicy and thought provoking, you will not want to put this one down.

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€ 10.45
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