On Shifting Ground di Jamie Fader edito da University Of California Press
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On Shifting Ground

Constructing Manhood On The Margins





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Libro On Shifting Ground di Jamie Fader

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"An insightful work that sheds new light on the strategies that marginalized men use to make ends meet, navigate public space, and form their identities. Of interest to both academics and the general public--including practitioners, activists, and community members--On Shifting Ground is a deeply researched and commendable contribution to the field."--Jennifer Cobbina-Dungy, author of Hands Up, Don't Shoot: Why the Protests in Ferguson and Baltimore Matter, and How They Changed America "On Shifting Ground chronicles the daily challenges of economically and socially vulnerable urban men as they negotiate expectations of masculinity in a classist and racist society. Jamie Fader's work achieves a perfect balance between meticulous empirical data and erudite critical theory. Passionate and convincing, this text will leave the reader demanding social change--and equipped with the strategies to achieve it."--Edward W. Morris, author of Learning the Hard Way: Masculinity, Place, and the Gender Gap in Education

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