On The Road To Rarotonga di Jack L Varney edito da Publish America

On The Road To Rarotonga

You Gave Up Your Careers To Do What?





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Descrizione On The Road To Rarotonga

After years of dedication to their careers, Jack and Phyllis Varney discovered that all they really had was a collection of glittery, expensive stuff. They didn't have much opportunity to enjoy their things, each other, their friends, or even the world around them. They had always been too busy in the roller derby struggle to achieve the contemporary definition of success. But somewhere between success and die, they were determined to get a life. In their minds, life is way too short, and there should be more to it than pretentious participation. So they sold their house, the contents of the house, and their cars. They found new homes for the dogs, made out new Wills and Powers of Attorney, and closed most of the material links to life, as they knew it. They were determined to become free agents in charge of their little measure of time on this vast and wonderful planet.

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