On Hinduism di Wendy Doniger edito da Rupa Publications
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On Hinduism





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Descrizione On Hinduism

On Hinduism contains a list of related essays that aim to explore the various concerns that are connected to Hinduism. These matters are as relevant today as they were in the olden times of the Vedas. The book raises many longstanding questions such as what changes have come in the Hindu beliefs concerning death, rebirth and Karma over so many years? In what way can a remorseful Hindu gain salvation? What do animals like dogs and cows mean to Hinduism? Why do are Hindus have conflicting ideas of Ahimsa? The book also gives readers an understanding of how and under what conditions a religion that embraces a plethora of cultures and races also promotes intolerance on so many levels. The book culminates with a string of autobiographical essays by the author. On Hinduism is a convincing study of one of the greatest faiths in the world. The book gives readers a better grip on the ancient and multifaceted religion that is Hinduism.

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