On A Bad Boy Note di Ansh Seth edito da Partridge India
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On A Bad Boy Note

Don't Curse Me!





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Descrizione On A Bad Boy Note

Uday is a flamboyant, intriguing and adventurous IT professional in his 20's. Within the large world of IT, in which he had no interest, his life keeps flashing in front of him- the life that he had led, and the memories of his first love. In these rampant flashbacks, he narrates the story of his brash lifestyle and his uncanny desires, the women he fell in love with and how he broke their hearts. In his poetic anecdotes and karmic insights, he shares the learnt lessons from the Bad, BAD world. With his dashing good looks and acquired skills of seduction, Uday makes his way back to love , only to find himself face to face with his most dreaded fantasy. What follows, is a journey of the future, the past and the present, where the only constant factor that always burns, is him.

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