The Old Curiosity Shop di Charles Dickens edito da DOUBLE 9 BOOKSLLP
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The Old Curiosity Shop





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Descrizione The Old Curiosity Shop

The Old Curiosity Shop, novel by Charles Dickens, first printed sequentially in 1840-41 in Dickens's own weekly, Master Humphrey's Clock; it was later published in book form in 1841. The novel was exceptionally praised in its early days but later it was contempted for its embarrassed emotionality. The Old Curiosity Shop is the story of Little Nell Trent and the evil dwarf Quilp. When Little Nell's grandfather lost his curiosity shop to his lender Quilp, the girl and the old man run away London. Nell's friend Kit Nubbles and a mysterious Single Gentleman (who turns out to be the wealthy brother of Nell's grandfather) try to seek out them but are impeded by Quilp, who deluges while escaping the law. Little Nell passes away before Kit and the Single Gentleman arrive, and her dishearted grandfather expired later. The story depicts the escape of two from gloomy and corrupted life of city to countryside in seek of calm and happiness.

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