The Oil, The Gift and The Talent: Mastering Wealth and Happiness di Caroline Marwisa Andongndou edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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The Oil, The Gift and The Talent: Mastering Wealth and Happiness





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Descrizione The Oil, The Gift and The Talent: Mastering Wealth and Happiness

Building wealth is often viewed as a process of making trade-offs. In a world that is increasingly becoming complex and uncertain, how can individuals manage life, work and money? This book is about creating and maintaining confidence, clarity and balance so that building wealth does not get in the way of life. Integrating aspects of faith, relationships, career, vocation, business, achievements, integrity and meaningful work in the wealth building journey is paramount to creating a happy life. Research shows that financial results and outcomes are directly linked to individuals' choices and behaviours. This book goes beneath the surface to address the drivers of those choices and behaviours. Prepare to transform your life and build your belief as you learn to manage, grow and keep your wealth. Happy reading!

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