Oh Joe! di Joseph E. LeBlanc Jr edito da iUniverse
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Oh Joe!

A Father's Struggle To Survive The Loss Of His Son







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Descrizione Oh Joe!

Oh Joe! is a must read for anyone who has experienced grief and loss and struggles to survive. Other books have been written about the stages of grief. This one eloquently conveys in poem the complex feelings of the grieving process that others describe with clinical observation. There are no platitudes, no easy answers here. Joseph LeBlanc speaks from the heart about the anguish of loss and how it feels. It is a father's personal struggle to survive the loss of his son so piercing you will feel you are there and fall to your knees in thanks that you are not. He speaks to us of feelings of loss we all have in a way that cannot help but leave you touched. It is rare that a man would expose this much of himself. It is rarer still that he would write about it for all to read. We should be thankful for this glimpse into the recesses of soul within us all.

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