N'Ogbaisi-The Caged Leopard di Eve Ikuenobe-Otaigbe edito da iUniverse
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N'Ogbaisi-The Caged Leopard

Tragedy Of Bini Kingdom







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Descrizione N'Ogbaisi-The Caged Leopard

True historical epic, rich in proverbs and culture that culminated in the bloody Massacre and the dubious systematic take over of Bini Kingdom in 1867 by the British merchants whose main objective was European domination of West Africa. The Oba of Bini, Ovonramwen, revered and worshipped by his subjects has openly expressed distrust of the British and is perceived by the Colonialists as an obstacle. They fear such domineering control would undoubtedly constitute a great encumbrance to their ambition. Despite warnings, Ralph Moor, with permission from Queen Victoria, arrives Bini during a solemn traditional festival. The chiefs are enraged. This episode leads to a military expedition against Bini, with fierce fighting, bloody slaughter of the unarmed brave natives, raping, looting and subsequent capture of the city. There is one solution only: The Oba permanently deposed and Queen Victoria imposed. The Caged Leopard is the story of a welcome turned sour, a betrayal of trust, disregard of culture and annihilation of an entire race who dared to stand and fight against an evil imposition and suppression.

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