Odd Affinities di Professor Elizabeth Abel edito da The University Of Chicago Press
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Odd Affinities

Virginia Woolf's Shadow Genealogies





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"For decades, Virginia Woolf's work has been seen as part of the "women's writing" canon. Elizabeth Abel extracts Woolf from this women's tradition to position her in a different light, one that shows Woolf's role in a far-reaching modernist genealogy. Abel traces the strong echoes of Woolf in the work of four major writers from diverse cultural contexts: Nella Larsen, James Baldwin, Roland Barthes, and W. G. Sebald. As Abel shows, what Woolf called the "odd affinities" between herself and these successors give us an altogether different picture of the development of transnational modernism, with Woolf as a shadowy but important connection among disparate writers. By charting new pathways of twentieth-century literary transmission, Odd Affinities will appeal to students and scholars working in New Modernist studies, comparative literature, and African American studies"--

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