Occupational Role Stress and Psychological Strain di Kassim Kimo edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Occupational Role Stress and Psychological Strain

Determining the Influence of Personal Factors among Academic Officers of Ethiopian Higher Educational Institutions





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It is well-documented that high levels of work-related stress which left unchecked and unmanaged would undermine the quality, productivity and creativity of employees¿ work, in addition to their health, well-being, and morale. Besides, studies have also established that high levels of work-related stress result in substantial costs to organizations through health care expenses and lost productivity. Over the past two decades, studies from across the globe indicate that the phenomenon of work-related stress has been increasing in higher education too. Available studies reveal that academics involved in both teaching and research have been experiencing very high levels of occupational stress. However, no studies have been found that examined the extents to which academic officers ,who have taking office responsibilities in addition to teaching and research activities, of higher education institutions are confronted with role problems, which in turn induce psychological strain. Hence, the present study is aimed at investigating the influences of personal factors and role stress in determining psychological strain among academic officers of Ethiopian higher educational institutions.

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